25 juuli 2023


TachoScan Control 6.7.0 uusim programmi versioon on juba saadaval, mida saab alla laadida otse meie veebisaidilt aadressi kaudu: tachoscancontrol.com/et/laadi-alla/ või Update Manager tarkvara kaudu.

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21 juuli 2023

Inelo adjusts its solutions to the new EU requirements for the transport industry!

Pursuant to the new legislation of the European Commission (Annex 1C), the transport market will be subject to new changes – this time, they concern G2V2 tachographs and driver cards.

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06 juuni 2023

Sõidumeerikute üleminekuprotsess on graafikus

Selle aasta lõpus varustatakse kõik äsja registreeritud sõidukid teise põlvkonna aruka sõidumeeriku (G2V2) 2. versiooniga.

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01 juuni 2023

International exchange of experience and good practices

For two days in May, Inelo headquarters had the pleasure of hosting inspectors from the Estonian Labor Inspectorate (Tööinspektsioon) and the Polish National Labor Inspectorate from Katowice. The outcome? International exchange of experience and good practices.

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01 juuni 2023

The most important event for European transport – Inelo conference dedicated for control authorities

130 participants, including representatives from 43 inspection agenciess, together with ministries and state authorities from 24 European countries, gathered during the second edition of the conference for control authorities organized by Inelo in cooperation with CORTE and the European Commission.

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43-300 Bielsko – Biała,

ul. Karpacka 24/U2b


Kontrollorganite teenuste osakond

telefon: +48 33 496 58 71

faks: +48 33 496 58 71 lisanumber 111

e-post: control@inelo.pl


telefon: +48 33 496 58 74

e-post: support@inelo.pl