02 Лип 2024

New directive on infringement levels – learn about changes in the tariffs

On the last day of May, Directive (EU) 2024/846 amending the categorization of infringements contained in Directive 2006/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

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01 Лип 2024

What’s new about regulations governing driving and rest time, as well as tachograph updates? See the details

New regulations on driving and rest times for bus drivers and the upcoming update of transitional tachographs were among the most important, but not the only, topics discussed in June at the CORTE meeting in Brussels.

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13 Чер 2024


Вже доступна остання версія TachoScan Control 7.1.0, яку можна завантажити безпосередньо з нашого сервера за адресою: tachoscancontrol.com/uk/або через програмне забезпечення Update Manager.

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16 Тра 2024

Attention, bus drivers! As of 22 May this year, new regulations are coming into force

This is the first amendment to the EC Regulation no. 561/2006 since 2020, which was enforced by the mobility package at the time, concerning driving and rest times for drivers performing occasional passenger transport, both domestic and international.


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16 Тра 2024

Long-Term Cooperation Results in Another Training

Inelo experts Małgorzata Pander and Mateusz Wloch trained Transport Malta inspectors who use TachoScan Control to control working time and potential tampering and to verify whether the proper tachographs are installed in truck cabins.

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