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2 July 2024

New directive on infringement levels – learn about changes in the tariffs

On the last day of May, Directive (EU) 2024/846 amending the categorization of infringements contained in Directive 2006/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

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1 July 2024

What’s new about regulations governing driving and rest time, as well as tachograph updates? See the details

New regulations on driving and rest times for bus drivers and the upcoming update of transitional tachographs were among the most important, but not the only, topics discussed in June at the CORTE meeting in Brussels.


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13 June 2024


The newest version of TachoScan Control 7.1.0 is now available for download directly from our server at through the Update Manager.

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Tachoscan control

  • The most advanced software on the European market always up to date with the regulations
  • Used by over 4500 inspectors in 25 countries in the EU
  • Fast indication of over 20 types of manipulations
  • Comparison of the distance from the tachograph with a map
  • Professional trainings and technical support
  • Reports in all EU languages plus Russian and Turkish


TachoScan® Control is a special version of software dedicated to all Enforcement Authorities responsible for checks of drivers’ working time. TachoScan Control has so far been used by:

  • POLAND – Road Transport Inspection, National Labor Inspection, Border Guard,
  • Customs Chamber, Police
  • GERMANY – Road Transport Inspection, Police
  • UNITED KINGDOM – Police, DVA, DVSA (Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency)
  • FRANCE – Road Transport Inspection
  • NETHERLANDS – Transport Inspection, Police, Work Inspection, Tax Office
  • CZECH REPUBLIC – Police, Czech Customs Chamber, Voivodship Office
  • ESTONIA – Police, Labor Inspection
  • ROMANIA – Road Transport Inspection and ARR
  • LITHUANIA – The Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration, Labor Inspection,
  • National Tax Inspection
  • LATVIA – Road Transport Inspection, Police, Transport Division of the city of Riga
  • SLOVAKIA – Police
  • LUXEMBOURG – Customs and Excise Duty Agency, Work and Mining Inspectorate
  • SLOVENIA – Police, Road Transport Inspection, Customs Chamber
  • MALTA – Road Transport Inspection
  • BELGIUM – The Police, Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport
  • UKRAINE – National Land Transport Safety Inspection of Ukraine (DSBT
  • UkrTransBezpeka)
  • SWITZERLAND – Police (Zürich)
  • MACEDONIA – Road Transport Inspection
  • DENMARK – Police
  • SWEDEN – Swedish Transport Agency
  • HUNGARY – Ministry for Innovation and Technology (Road Traffic Control
  • Department)
  • PORTUGAL – Mint and Security Printing Works
  • FINLAND – Police
  • MOROCCO – Ministry of Transport
  • ITALY – Police
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INELO Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością


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KRS 0000702969

Enforcement Authority Services Department

tel.: +48 33 496 58 71

fax: +48 33 496 58 71 ext. 111


Customer Helpdesk

tel.: +48 33 496 58 74
