06 Кві 2023


Вже доступна остання версія TachoScan Control 6.6.9, яку можна завантажити безпосередньо з нашого сервера за адресою: tachoscancontrol.com/uk/або через програмне забезпечення Update Manager.

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04 Кві 2023

TachoScan Control DSRC module – more effective inspections

For over two years, control authorities in the European Union countries have been using DSRC (Dedicated Short-Range Communication) devices provided by Inelo, which allow to remotely download the most important parameters from smart tachographs in trucks.

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27 Бер 2023

New (transitional) tachographs are coming

Later this year, all newly-registered vehicles will be equipped with a version 2 second-generation smart tachograph. Soon, the replacement of tachographs will be mandatory also in older vehicles operating in international transport.

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03 Бер 2023

Mobility Package 1 – where do we stand?

”Mobility Package 1: Where do we stand?” – was the title of an event held by IRU which took place on 2 February in a hybrid format.

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27 Січ 2023

The first Corte meeting in 2023 has already taken place. New smart tacho cards – more information – more thorough inspections

The January meeting of Corte devoted to new cards for 2nd-generation, version 2 tachographs (G2V2) has already taken place. “Card Working Group” members – especially institutions issuing the cards, including Polish PWPW representatives – took part in the event. Numerous Inelo representatives were also among the participants.

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INELO Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością


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тел.: +48 33 496 58 71

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e-mail: control@inelo.pl

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тел.:+48 33 496 58 74

e-mail: support@inelo.pl