09 Лис 2023

UK’s Customs Inspectors Trained by Inelo Specialists

A two-day training that took place in Dover was conducted by Michał Franczyk and Mateusz Włoch. It was the result of the changing regulations and the introduction of the new smart second generation tachographs to the European market.

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09 Лис 2023

MOVE Report – the Previous Generation Tachograph by the end of 2023

In October we informed that due to the problems with the new tachograph availability, the European Commission suggested that the Member States could apply a more relaxed approach towards the enforcement of regulations concerning the new vehicles with G2V1 tachographs.

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16 Жов 2023

Relaxed approach towards the enforcement of the regulations regarding vehicles with G2V1 tachographs

According to CORTE, the EU Commission for Road Transport agreed transportation companies can purchase new vehicles equipped with G2V1 tachographs registered not later than 31.12.2023, however they need to replace the installed tachographs with G2V2 ones not later than by 18.08.2025.

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25 Лип 2023


Вже доступна остання версія TachoScan Control 6.7.0, яку можна завантажити безпосередньо з нашого сервера за адресою: tachoscancontrol.com/uk/або через програмне забезпечення Update Manager.

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21 Лип 2023

Inelo adjusts its solutions to the new EU requirements for the transport industry!

Pursuant to the new legislation of the European Commission (Annex 1C), the transport market will be subject to new changes – this time, they concern G2V2 tachographs and driver cards.

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