19 Déc 2023

Trust towards Tachoscan Control is going strong – the Dutch Labor Inspection to choose Inelo software

The Dutch Labor Inspection joins numerous other inspection authorities that use the Tachoscan Control software. Thus, 49 different inspection authorities from 25 countries are now using Inelo software, which amounts to the grand total of 4,500 licenses.


The choice of Tachoscan by the Dutch authorities shows the full trust of this organization towards our software, which has been their first choice after it was recommended by ILT road transport inspection, which has been using Inelo software for 9 years. We are pleased that Tachoscan Control is valued for its high quality and its continuous development among the inspection authorities of the largest European states.


Full support for the Dutch Labor Inspection


In order to realize its mission, the Dutch Labor Inspection chose the Tachoscan Control LAN version, which allows for easy management of licenses, users and data gathered during inspections. All the data goes to the Labor Inspection’s servers, and the inspection manages both the servers and the data gathered there. Such a solution requires the organization to have the proper IT infrastructure, and us to provide appropriate and customized support. The Tachoscan Control implementation went smoothly, so the inspectors can already enjoy all the capabilities of the new software.


Tachoscan Control – a user friendly solution


For years our team has done its best to make Tachoscan Control software the product of highest quality, which meets the most stringent requirements of our clients and is as user-friendly as possible. Each time we gladly take on new individual projects, so that we can adjust our software to the style of working and individual needs of the future users.

24 Nov 2023


La nouvelle version de TachoScan Control 7.0.1 est déjà disponible. Vous pouvez la télécharger directement depuis notre serveur sur tachoscancontrol.com/fr/telecharger/ ou à l’aide du le logiciel Update Manager.

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09 Nov 2023

UK’s Customs Inspectors Trained by Inelo Specialists

A two-day training that took place in Dover was conducted by Michał Franczyk and Mateusz Włoch. It was the result of the changing regulations and the introduction of the new smart second generation tachographs to the European market.

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09 Nov 2023

MOVE Report – the Previous Generation Tachograph by the end of 2023

In October we informed that due to the problems with the new tachograph availability, the European Commission suggested that the Member States could apply a more relaxed approach towards the enforcement of regulations concerning the new vehicles with G2V1 tachographs.

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16 Oct 2023

Assouplissement de l’application de la législation pour les véhicules équipés de tachygraphes G2V1

Comme le rapporte CORTE, le Comité des transports routiers de l’UE a décidé que les entreprises de transport peuvent acheter de nouveaux véhicules équipés de tachygraphes G2V1 immatriculés au plus tard le 31 décembre 2023, mais qu’elles devront remplacer ces appareils par des tachygraphes G2V2 au plus tard le 18 août 2025.

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e-mail : support@inelo.pl