18 Avr 2024

Key role of IT in ensuring road safety

Swiss Police Information Technology Congress (SPIK) has just finished. This important annual event attracts hundreds of participants and shows how important IT solutions are for the police forces sector.

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15 Mai 2024

What should you know about tachograph errors?

As increased demands emerge for drivers’ working time monitoring and tachograph complexity is on the raise, transportation and logistics companies are facing new challenges.

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11 Avr 2024

Delayed implementation of OSNMA technology in tachographs – what does this mean for the carrier?

Members and Observers of the European Commission’s Group of Experts on the Smart Tachograph have been informed of a new deadline for the possible implementation of OSNMA technology in smart tachographs.

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15 Mar 2024

The European Commission reminds about tachograph replacement

The European Commission has issued important recommendations regarding the upcoming mandatory date of tachograph replacement in vehicles used for transport in the territory of other member states.


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29 Fév 2024

Plus de la moitié de l’Europe est sous le contrôle du logiciel Inelo

Avec 5 000 licences actives utilisées par 51 services d’inspection dans 25 pays, il est très probable qu’en lisant ces informations qu’un camion sur la route, qui sait, peut-être même un camion vous appartenant, soit en train d’être inspecté à l’aide de TachoScan Control en ce moment même.

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INELO Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością


43-300 Bielsko – Biała,

ul. Karpacka 24/U2b


KRS 0000702969

Service des relations avec les contrôleurs

tél. : +48 33 496 58 71

fax : +48 33 496 58 71 ext. 111

e-mail : control@inelo.pl


Service technique

tél. : +48 33 496 58 74

e-mail : support@inelo.pl