06 Jun 2023

Übergangsfahrtenschreiber nach Zeitplan

Dieses Jahr sollen alle neu zugelassenen Fahrzeuge mit einem intelligenten Fahrtenschreiber der zweiten Generation (G2V2) ausgestattet werden.

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01 Jun 2023

International exchange of experience and good practices

For two days in May, Inelo headquarters had the pleasure of hosting inspectors from the Estonian Labor Inspectorate (Tööinspektsioon) and the Polish National Labor Inspectorate from Katowice. The outcome? International exchange of experience and good practices.

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01 Jun 2023

The most important event for European transport – Inelo conference dedicated for control authorities

130 participants, including representatives from 43 inspection agenciess, together with ministries and state authorities from 24 European countries, gathered during the second edition of the conference for control authorities organized by Inelo in cooperation with CORTE and the European Commission.

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29 Mai 2023

Mobilitätspaket und Entsendung von Fahrern

Mobilitätspaket und Entsendung von Fahrern (DACH) NEUE REGELN UNTER DEM AUGE DER KONTROLLBEHÖRDEN

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05 Mai 2023

Diverse interpretations of regulations as the cause of high penalties for cabotage non-compliance

The TRACE 2 training workshops for control authorities conducted under CORTE’s leadership and attended by Inelo representatives have finished.

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INELO Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością


43-300 Bielsko – Biała,

ul. Karpacka 24/U2b


KRS 0000702969

Kunden Info

Telefon: +48 334965871

Fax: +48 334965871 Durchwall 111

e-mail: control@inelo.pl

Kunden Helpdesk

Telefon: +48 334965874

e-mail: support@inelo.pl