15 Feb 2021

Mobility package – New rules under the eye of enforcement authorities

On 3rd of March at 9.30 a.m. European Commission, Corte and Inelo Polska would like to invite you to a specially prepared online conference which will be entirely devoted to issues concerning the Mobility Package under the eye of enforcement authorities. Conference is dedidated only for enforcement authorities. 


During the webinar, the experts from European Commission (DG MOVE), Corte, and Inelo will cover the following topics:


9:30     Mobility Package 1 – general overview and timeline – Michał Franczyk (INELO)
10:00   Changes in the EU rules on driving and resting times and implementation – Inès Maillart (EUROPEAN COMMISSION)
10:30   Smart Tachograph – current and future version, focus on the recording of locations – Rémy Russotto (CORTE)

11:00   BREAK

11:15   DSRC – remote pre-selection for detecting manipulations – Bernardo Martinez de Miguel (EUROPEAN COMMISSION)
11:45   New legislation in practice and how to use new data during checks – Jarosław Szczotka (INELO)
12:15   AETR state of play – Rémy Russotto (CORTE)
12:35   Any Other Business / Q&A


Click link and REGISTER for webinar. Registration is required.


Please feel free to share this link with your colleagues in your UNIT, that could be interested in this topic. All officers are welcome!


Where? : online webinar on webex
When? : 3rd of March, 9:30 – 13:30
Language: English
Organised by Corte & Inelo
Registration: Required


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